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Pageviews yesterday: 18
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We reached 1,000 page views a month! That is amazing to me. Don't be afraid to comment and ask questions.
I know some of you want to, so please if you have any feelings, questions or comments about the company (onyx arvada, onyx wholesale, scentura creations and what ever brother or sister office we have.) please ask and confront. Nobody in our company has anything to hide and has no problem answering any questions you may have (even if you think its a scam). I would like to have open lines of communications on this site.
We have a voice, and so do you. We choose to use it. You can too. So feel free to comment on any posts. Hit us up on e-mail.
Iris Flores
Chris Westphal
Onyx Wholesale Arvada, Co
Iris Flores
Chris Westphal
Onyx Wholesale Arvada, Co
That's awesome! And I see you have all the links in your sidebar. Good stuff.